Experts in major litigation
We have specialised teams for each dispute, comprising professionals of recognised prestige. We identify large, complex and high value disputes in order to provide solutions for thousands of affected parties.
We enhance the efficiency of our activity with a cross-management model integrating the management teams (processes, IT, finance, marketing) with the specialised legal team for each case, offering our clients a high level of legal quality and service.
Portfolio of multi-sector products
Thanks to our DMP we are able to select complex, high value, viable and financially sustainable litigation, choosing lawsuits with a variety of subject matters and involving various sectors.
Processes and technology
Standardisation of processes allows us to apply useful technology to handle large volumes of customers and data, all in a highly efficient manner.
Unique fee proposals in the sector
Our fees depend on the success of our clients’ actions. We bear 100% of the legal expenses and 100% of the court costs risk.
A team of professionals
at the service of major causes
Focused on winning