Legal notice

Updated on 30th November 2021

This Legal Notice establishes the conditions of use of the website (hereinafter the Website). The use of the same confers the person browsing with the status of User, which involves adherence and commitment to complying with all of the conditions contained in this Legal Notice, in the version published at the time it is accessed. We therefore recommend reading this Legal Notice carefully each time you access the Website. These Conditions shall apply irrespective of the existence of other specific conditions applicable to certain services provided on the Website.

The identifying data of the Service Provider

Address: Avda de Burgos 16D
VAT no.: B88159124
Registered in the Trade Register of Madrid under Volume 38007, Folio 191, Sheet 676723.

Contact: ESKARIAM would like to thank you in advance for any type of suggestions, correction or comments that might help prevent or rectify any type of incident or irregularity on the website as quickly and efficiently as possible. These notifications can be sent by e-mail to

Terms and conditions of use

The terms and conditions of this Legal Notice shall apply to all web pages contained within the site map, which are the only ones included on this Website

Access to this Website is the sole responsibility of the users and implies acceptance of these terms and conditions of use. The use of certain services also entails the unreserved acceptance of any special rules or instructions that ESKARIAM may establish at any time of a specific, replacing or complementary nature to these general conditions.

Users must use this website and its services in a lawful manner according to these terms and conditions of use and current legislation.

ESKARIAM can unilaterally modify the terms and conditions of use of this website through its publication in this legal notice, and shall be immediate effective from the time of its publication.


Aun habiendo adoptado las medidas técnicas a su alcance, ESKARIAM no se responsabiliza ni garantiza que el acceso a la Página Web sea ininterrumpido o que esté libre de error. Tampoco se responsabiliza o garantiza que el contenido o software al que pueda accederse a través de la Página Web, esté libre de error o cause un daño. En ningún caso, ESKARIAM será responsable por las pérdidas, daños o perjuicios de cualquier tipo que surjan por el acceso y navegación por la Página Web, incluyéndose, pero no limitándose, a los ocasionados a los sistemas informáticos o los provocados por la introducción de virus.

ESKARIAM no se hace responsable de los daños que pudiesen ocasionarse a los Usuarios por un uso inadecuado de la Página Web. En particular, no se hace responsable en modo alguno de las caídas, interrupciones, falta o defecto de las telecomunicaciones que pudieran ocurrir mientras el Usuario navega por ella.

Access and security

Access to transactional services and any that include the capture of personal data takes place in a secure environment using a 128 bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. The secure server establishes a connection to allow the information to be transmitted in an encrypted manner. This ensures that the content is only intelligible to the client’s computer and ESKARIAM’s server. Users can check that they are inside a secure environment by checking if their browser’s status bar shows a closed padlock. The guarantee of security of our servers is backed by a certificate issued by our Web service provider. This certificate guarantees that clients are communicating their data to an ESKARIAM server and not to any third party that tries to impersonate it.


ESKARIAM makes every effort to prevent any error that may appear in the website’s contents.

ESKARIAM does not guarantee and shall not be liable for any consequences arising from errors in the contents of the Website.

Updating and modifications to the Website

The information that appears on the Website is up to date as of the date of the latest update. ESKARIAM is not liable for the updating and suitability of the information contained in the same.

Users cannot alter, change, modify or adapt the Website. ESKARIAM reserves the right to make any updates, changes, or modifications it deems fit, making use of this right at any time and without giving any notice.

Blog and opinion forums

Messages, comments, information or opinions expressed on the opinion forum or blog that may be enabled on the Website are stored as is, for the only service for which they are intended, which is to inform, express opinions and be used as a contact between users. ESKARIAM is not liable for and does not identify with the comments or opinions expressed in the forums by any user.

Nothing can be posted on the Blog or the forums with references to racist or sexist themes, or a personal attack, either through insults, comments, unconstructive criticism or mere allusions that might violate the right to privacy of users of this website or of any outside person or entity. Anyone can report the existence of this type of intervention at

The blog or forum cannot be used for spam, off-topic advertising, to capture e-mail addresses or any type of illegal action.

The User is the only party responsible for the information and on the activities carried out in the forum, exempting ESKARIAM from any liability that may originate from the same if these are illegal or damage any third party’s property or rights. ESKARIAM reserves the right to cancel, reverse, delete any comment or deny access to any user who violates this policy or that is illegal. However, in compliance with Article 16 of Law 34/2002 dated 11 July, governing information society and electronic commerce services, ESKARIAM is not liable for any information or comments included by Users.

When ESKARIAM becomes aware that activity or information stored is unlawful or damages property or rights of a third party, it must withdraw it immediately.

The reproduction of the contents of the opinion forum or blog is prohibited unless authorized in advance.

Intelectual and Industrial Property

This Website, its source code and contents are protected by Intellectual Property Law. It may not be subject to exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, assignment or transformation, unless this has been expressly authorised in advance by the owners of the rights.

The design, images, signs, distinctive symbols, commercial name, brands, logos, products, and services contained on this Website are protected by Industrial Property Law.

ESKARIAM is the owner or licensee of all rights on the content of this Website and legitimately and exclusively owns the rights to use the same, except any rights of certain suppliers with whom it has signed a contract for the provision of content and that are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property regulations and to which these conditions will equally apply.

Access to this Website does not grant users any right or ownership whatsoever over the intellectual or industrial property rights or contents contained in the same. Users who access this Website may not copy, modify, distribute,transmit, reproduce, publish, assign or sell the items mentioned above or create new products or services derived from the information obtained without the express written permission of the copyright holders.

Users are strictly prohibited from altering the contents or structure of this Website.

In the event that you send any information of any kind to ESKARIAM, you represent, guarantee and agree that you have the right to do so freely, that such information does not infringe any intellectual property, trademark, patent right, trade secret, or any other third party, that such information is not confidential and that such information is not harmful to third parties.

ESKARIAM reserves the right to take legal action against any users that violate or infringe the intellectual and industrial property rights.


The Website may include access links (hyperlinks or links) to other websites that ESKARIAM is not the owner of. Such a possibility never entails the existence of relationship between ESKARIAM and the owner of the Website that the hyperlink redirects you to, not even his/her acceptance or approval. ESKARIAM will not be liable for the legality of the contents of the same.

Any other website is prohibited from including a hyperlink to ESKARIAM’s website, without their express permission. In any case, such permission shall entail the hyperlink not being used to damage ESKARIAM’s brand or public image or the Website itself, as well as of any third parties that may appear referenced in this.

ESKARIAM must withdraw any link as soon as it becomes aware by any means of the unlawfulness of its content or where the same could damage a third party’s rights or property.

Website’s Privacy Policy

For more information on our data protection and privacy policy, please consult our Privacy Policy.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are necessary for the use of our website. Cookies are used to facilitate browsing and offer a customised and more agile service, as well as a statistical tool to obtain statistical data on use of the website. They are never used to store information that could identify the user under any circumstances. Please consult our Cookies Policy for further information.

Applicable legislation and applicable jurisdiction.

The terms and conditions that govern the Website and any relationships that might arise are safeguarded by Spanish legislation.

Any dispute that may arise from the access or use of the Website is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Courts of Madrid (Spain).

© ESKARIAM, S.A. 2021

All rights reserved.