ESKARIAM is a legal services company specialising in class actions and highly complex and sophisticated litigation.

Our customers can avail of our team of lawyers specialised in civil and contentious-administrative litigation in a range of matters. Particularly worthy of mention is our experience in major damage claims arising from anti-competitive conduct sanctioned both in Spain and by the European Commission.

Always on the side of the plaintiff

ESKARIAM only defends our customers as plaintiffs. This allows us to be more efficient in our work and internal work processes, as well as align ourselves with the interests of our customers, reducing any possible conflicts of interests, with the aim of seeking a global solution for groups affected by abuse or illicit conduct.

Experts in complex litigation

At ESKARIAM we are specialised in highly complex litigation. We conduct a thorough analysis of the legal and economic viability of each claim and carefully select those we participate in. This allows us to participate in very sophisticated claims with amazing results.

Customer and results oriented

At ESKARIAM we view litigation as the defence of anyone affected by illegal conduct that harms multiple companies or people. We strive to seek the defence of the greatest number of customers who have suffered damage from the same crime, offering a tailored service for each of our customers.

We develop litigation strategies focused on obtaining the best possible result for our customers. Our model, which is based on receiving our fees only in the event of a successful claim, requires us to conduct a thorough analysis of each claim we participate in while also maximising the litigation strategy to achieve the best possible result for our customers, all of which are reflected in our fees.

We work in partnership with specialists and international offices

At ESKARIAM we are always open to enhancing our litigation team with the best specialists on the market. This is behind our reaching of partnership agreements with renowned lawyers and firms both in Spain and abroad in some of our cases.

Single economic proposal: we assume the costs and risk of litigation

Our ESKARIAM model has a 100% success rate. We cover 100% of the costs and expenses of each claim, as well as any risks of litigation.

This proposal is possible thanks to the success of the claims that we lead, and the trust placed in ESKARIAM by our partners and other stakeholders.

Both factors allow us to present customers with a high value proposition along with a highly specialised team, tailored service, applying a model that eliminates any economic risk for the customer.

Legal Project Management

Our teams of lawyers work are led by Legal Project Management (LPM), providing litigation work with a maximum degree of efficiency, deadline control and adequate distribution of tasks in each team, streamlining decision-making and reducing risks.

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