ESKARIAM is leading the claim against the Milk Cartel of more than 2,000 dairy farmers who have entrusted our team of expert COMPETITION lawyers with claiming the compensation they are entitled to according to the resolution issued by the CNMC on 11 July 2019.

According to the resolution (S/0425/12: INDUSTRIAS LACTEAS 2), there was an illegal agreement between some of the main centres for purchasing raw cow's milk, constituting a purchasers' cartel between 2000 and 2013 with the consequent impact on the price of milk, thus obtaining greater profit to the detriment of the farmers.

According to the Decision, the Milk Cartel involved the following companies:

Calidad Pascual, Corporación Alimentaria Peñasanta (acting under the brand Central Lechera Asturiana), Danone, Grupo Lactalis Iberia, Nestlé España, Puleva, Schreiber Food España (previously Senoble Ibérica), Central Lechera de Galicia (Celega), the Association of Dairy Companies of Galicia and the Guild of Dairy Industries of Catalonia (GIL).

ESKARIAM is appearing in the National Court in defence of the CNMC resolution, working actively with the aim of confirming the categorisation of the conduct. If the National Court upholds the categorisation of this conduct, it will be to the benefit of our clients, who will be able to claim for the damage suffered.

How much can farmers affected by the milk cartel claim?

How much can farmers affected by the milk cartel claim?

In accordance with the economic model developed by ESKARIAM's team of experts for determining the damage, we estimate that the sum to be claimed by each farmer amounts to more than 10% of their turnover during the period of the cartel sanctioned by the CNMC (2000 to 2013).

The deadline for interrupting the statute of limitations was July 2020 and all the farmers who were affected between 2000 and 2013 could have claimed their compensation regardless of whether they have retired or are no longer active due to cessation of activity.

At ESKARIAM we have the leading international and Spanish economic consultancy firm (Compass Lexecon) which, together with our team of experts, is responsible for carrying out the economic analysis and expert appraisal of the Milk Cartel cases to ensure the best possible legal defence for all the dairy farmers. We acquire litigation portfolios from plaintiffs in the Milk Cartel.

We advise other law firms: as a leader in the Milk Cartel claim, we advise other law firms on their clients' claims so that they can make use of a high quality expert report to help them justify the damage.

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